Bringing God into a Secular World

Bringing God into a Secular World

Bringing God into the secular world doesn’t mean we devalue God. In reality, it means that we invite God to be present in places He’s been intentionally (or unintentionally) excluded from. In order to see Him, we need to look for Him. And it’s not that hard to find Him if we actually look!
Taking Root

Taking Root

God is faithful. He provides. His promise for me is, quite literally, a seed: growing in love and faith through a nurturing God's tender and gentle hands, a master gardener tending to those whom He loves. He waters us, gives us enough light, and plants us in good soil. He does this so gracefully for each one of us. We are His.
You Are Enoug

You Are Enoug

Her paper said, "I am enoug." She didn't have enough room to write the word "enough." We all got a much-needed laugh out of it. But recently, it's got me thinking. We are enough, even when we aren't complete.